Gross / Net salary calculation allows you to convert your gross salary into net salary and vice versa.
This calculation takes into account your status, whether you are executive, non-executive or public service employees, all according to the new legislation for a 2020 salary calculation.
How it works ?
You just have to indicate in the box of your choice the amount of your net gross salary (year, month, day, hour) and the converter automatically calculates your net salary or your gross salary.
Several parameters are available in order to be as precise as possible and to have a real net gross salary calculation.
Type of status:
Executive, non-executive, public service, independent or even personalized taking into account social contributions: social security, pensions, which are automatically deducted from your gross salary in order to calculate your net salary.
Number of weekly hours worked:
The application automatically calculates your salary from the hourly database provided, by default it is set at 35 hours per week.
Number of conventional months:
The application automatically converts your salary from the indicated monthly basis, by default it is set at 12 months per year and can go up to 16 months.
SMIC filling button:
This button is responsible for filling all the boxes with the updated SMIC 2020 amount in order to quickly view them.
Calculation of withholding tax:
You have the option of entering your tax rate in the settings in order to apply this rate to the net taxable salary calculated by the application.
Save and details of your salary calculations:
To take advantage of this feature, you have the option of logging in via Google or anonymously. You can then save your net gross wages in unlimited ways.
A detail of the calculations carried out is then accessible taking into account the source tax, the net taxable salary, the gross and net salary, and many other information.
The Gross / Net salary calculation application is accessible to all and completely free.
Summary of the global features currently available:
- Convert gross salary to net salary (Hour, Day, Month Year)
- Calculate the social contribution rate
- Calculate a salary increase
- Tax calculation 2020 at source deducted from your salary calculation by defining your tax percentage in the parameters.
- Unlimited salary backup for comparison during a job interview for example.
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See you soon for a next update;)